Cycle 99
99.1 Letter Combinations
Purpose and Procedure
This task requires students to read words ending in -y or -ey when the words also have consonant blends. Students are not asked to identify the letter or letter combination or its sound before reading the word.
99.2 Review
In this task, students see four lowercase letters, and they point to the one that matches a capital letter that is presented in a box at the bottom of the screen.
Correcting the Student
The following is the correction text to use if a student makes a mistake in this type of Review task:
❖ If the student chooses the wrong letter, point to the correct one, and say: No, here is the letter that makes the same sound as that capital letter in the box. Now you point to the letter that makes the same sound…
99.3 Irregulars
Purpose and Procedure
This is the first task in which students write whole words.
Students will write each word one time by looking at the word on the screen and copying it onto their paper.
The act of writing these words ensures that students pay close attention to the form of each word, which will help the students recognize and read them with increasing ease.
From now on, both the Irregulars task and the Review task will require students to write. There will no longer be a separate Writing task at the end of each cycle.
99.7 Word Parts
Purpose and Procedure
This is a new task called Word Parts, which will appear in most cycles for the rest of the curriculum.
The goal of Word Parts is to help students recognize and read common word parts, like the beginning dis- in dislike or the ending -ful in fearful, as well as understand some of their meanings. These tasks will enable students to read longer words more fluently and build their vocabulary.
The Word Parts task in this cycle is the beginning of a series of tasks that will help students read the ‑es ending when it is pronounced /əz/, as in the word glasses.
In this task, you will say words that end in -s and -es and have students repeat them.
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