Cycle 110
110.1 Letter Combinations
Purpose and Procedure
This task requires students to read simple words containing the wh letter combination after they identify the letter combination and its sound.
110.4 Patterns -VCe
Purpose and Procedure
This task includes multisyllabic -VCe pattern words with u.
110.6 Story Reading
Purpose and Procedure
This is the first task in which the or letter combination appears in story text (underlined for now).
110.7 Word Parts
Purpose and Procedure
This is the first in a series of Word Parts tasks that introduces students to reading compound words.
In this task, you present compound words in the form of an equation to show how two words come together to make one new word.
First, students repeat each component word and compound word after you say them. At the end of the task, students read each compound word on their own.
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