Cycle 40

40.1 Sound Review

40.2 The Slow-Fast Game

This task introduces words that have blends at the beginning and end of them (frost, slump, slant, swift). In this case, the initial blends are composed of two continuous phonemes.

This task also introduces the /ŋ/ sound at the end of swing and fling.

The /ŋ/ sound is a nasal consonant sound, like /n/. However, while /n/ is made by touching the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth in the front, right behind the teeth, /ŋ/ is made by touching the back of the tongue to the soft palate in the back of the mouth.

To make this sound, prepare to make the sound /g/, but instead of popping the tongue down, hold it in place, and make a voiced, continuous sound: /ŋŋŋ/.

This sound occurs when n is followed by g (as in sing, sang, and song) or k (as in sink, sank, and sunk).

It does not occur when other letters follow n, as in the word slant.

40.3 Word Reading

The final part of this task introduces reading words with nothing beneath the phonemes to mark the separate sounds or to signal that they are continuous or stop phonemes.

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