Cycle 192
192.5 Word Parts
Purpose and Procedure
This is the first of a series of Word Parts tasks that asks students to point out any word parts that they recognize when they look at one word on the screen.
The goal is for students to recognize specific word parts that they learned in the curriculum. For example, in this cycle, the goal is to have students point to -ize in summarize. It is possible that students will point to something else, like ar. The correction text guides you to say "Okay. Anything else?" in that situation to encourage them to keep looking for the other word part. If they can't find it, you will point it out to them and then have them point to it.
After students point out the word parts they recognize, you show them the word with the desired word parts underlined, remind them of the relevant meanings, direct them to touch and read the word, and then read its example sentence.
There are six words in this task, each with one word part underlined.
Correcting the Student
The following is the correction text to use in the remaining Word Parts tasks [example word: summarize]:
❖ If a student points to a word part or letter combination other than -ize, say: Okay. Anything else?…
❖ If a student doesn’t know, say: I see a word part that you learned before at the end of this word. Try to find it…
❖ If a student still doesn’t find -ize, point to -ize, and say: Here’s a word part you learned before. Now you point to it…
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