Cycle 183
183.2 Patterns
Purpose and Procedure
This task continues to teach students to read words that are formed by adding an -er, -ed, -s, or -est ending to base words that end in -y.
In this cycle, students read a base word and point to the letter (y) that will change when the ending is added. After seeing the word change, students read the final word.
183.4 Story Reading
Purpose and Procedure
This is the first task in which the ue letter combination is not underlined (in the story text of the New Passage only).
183.5 Word Parts
Purpose and Procedure
This task introduces students to the -able and -ible endings and their meaning of "able to be."
This task focuses only on words with the -able ending.
It is the first time students read words that each have two meaningful word parts: unbeatable and unforgettable.
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