Cycle 154
154.1 Letter Combinations
Purpose and Procedure
This task requires students to read words that contain the wr letter combination without being asked to identify the letter combination or its sound before reading the word.
154.4 Patterns
Purpose and Procedure
This task asks students to identify the silent e at the end of -VCe pattern words that disappears when the base word takes a suffix that begins with a vowel.
Correcting the Student
The following is the correction text to use if a student mispronounces the -ed ending in this task:
❖ If a student says the ending as /ĕd/, say: Try reading that ending with one of the other sounds that it can make… What word is it?…
154.6 Story Reading
Purpose and Procedure
This is the first task in which the oa letter combination is not underlined.
154.7 Word Parts
Purpose and Procedure
This task continues the series that introduces students to three endings (-s, -es, and -'s) and their meanings (the first two indicate plurals or verb conjugations; the last indicates possession).
This time, the words in this cycle are all verbs ending with -s or -es.
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