Cycle 53
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In this task, students will learn the sound /w/ as in swine.
This is the first time that students review letters in a regular serif font without seeing them change from the special orthography first.
This is also the first time that students read letters in the serif font that are different from the sounds that they just reviewed in the special orthography earlier in the task. In this case, the last two sounds that they review in the specialized orthography are /ā/ and /ō/, but the last two letters that they review in the serif font are f and i.
When vowels are presented in the regular serif font, they will never have macrons (lines above the vowels) indicating a long vowel sound. Therefore, in the Sound Review tasks, whenever students see a vowel in isolation in the serif font, they should always read the more common short vowel sound instead of the long vowel sound.
This task returns to students saying a word slowly after you say it only the fast way. The words in these Slow Game tasks will continue to develop in complexity for the next seventeen cycles.
You can encourage students to count sounds on their fingers as they say a word slowly (but you don’t have to correct students for not counting sounds if they say the word slowly correctly), and, in this type of task, students are allowed to (but aren’t required to) pause between the sounds.
❖ If the student says /sēs/ (like cease), say: It looks like /sēs/, but this funny word is /sēz/, like “The dog barks whenever he sees a bird.” Read it again…
This is the first time students read a word that can have an unvoiced /th/ sound: with. When reading this word, most students will say a voiced /th/ (as in those) when they read it the slow way, and then will say an unvoiced /th/ (as in thin) when they read it the fast way, and that’s great.
If, instead, a student voices the final /th/ when they read with the fast way, just say it back to them with the unvoiced /th/, “Yes, with,” followed by the example sentence. They will gradually come to associate both variations with this letter combination.
The final part of this task returns to reading sub-vocally, but this time you will not model reading the word first.
The following is the correction text to use if a student reads a word sub-vocally and then makes an error when they read it out loud quickly:
❖ If the student makes an error, say: Read it slowly out loud. Correct any errors that you hear.