Cycle 26
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In this task, students will learn the sound /l/ as in lie.
This task returns to saying words slowly and fast that have initial consonant blends (consisting of two continuous sounds) but this time with final quick sounds, like /g/ in snug.
This is the first rhyming task with three distinct onsets.
In this task, the onsets are /r/, /s/, and /m/. All words will rhyme with /ŏk/.
This is the first task in which students read a two-syllable word. In this case, you model it for the student first.
The word is Aliss (which rhymes with malice). This is an uncommon spelling of a common name, but it was chosen carefully to be the first two-syllable word that students read: it only has sounds that the students have learned so far, it has simple syllables, it has no quick sounds, and it will be read often because it will be the name of a new character in the story.
This task introduces finger tracking without a dashed arrow indicating the transition from one line to the next.
This is the first Story Reading task that has no dotted arrows connecting the lines of text.
This is the first time that students are asked to count sentences. If they need help, model tracking your finger (without reading) until you find a period and count that sentence. Repeat to count the remaining sentences. After counting the last sentence, do it together by guiding them hand-over-hand. Then ask them to count the sentences on their own.
From now on, Story Reading tasks will include a passage to re-read and a new passage. In each cycle, students will re-read a passage from the previous cycle and answer questions about the illustration that accompanied it. They will then read a new passage and see a new illustration.