Cycle 97
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Last updated
This task introduces the letter combination -ey as in money.
This task introduces capital letters that look only somewhat like their lowercase versions.
This is the first task in which students read minimally different pairs of CVC and CVCe pattern words in a serif font without you guiding them to identify the correct vowel sound in each word.
The following is the correction text to use if a student makes a mistake in this type of Patterns -VCe task:
❖ If the student makes an error, use these prompts to guide them:
a. Does this word have an e at the end?…
b. So, should we read this letter’s name or the sound that it usually makes?…
c. So, what sound should we read when we get here?…
d. Try the whole word again…
e. My turn to read it slowly… Let’s read it slowly together… Your turn to read it slowly…