Cycle 123
123.1 Letter Combinations
Purpose and Procedure
This task requires students to read simple words containing the ol letter combination after they identify the letter combination and its sound.
123.4 Patterns
Purpose and Procedure
This task introduces the fact that the letter s sometimes makes the /z/ sound when followed by the letter e.
123.5 Word Reading
The first word in this task, imagined, could be challenging for some students. Use the correction text if needed.
Correcting the Student
❖ If the student reads the -ed ending as /ĕd/ instead of /d/, say: This word is imagined. What’s this word?…
❖ If the student reads the second i as /ī/, like /ĭmăjīnd/, say: Good job remembering that the silent e in this word makes us read an earlier letter’s name, but this is a funny word. This word is imagined [/ĭmăjĭnd/]. What’s this word?…
123.7 Word Parts
Purpose and Procedure
This task introduces students to the -teen ending.
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