Cycle 125
125.1 Letter Combinations
Purpose and Procedure
This task requires students to read multisyllabic words containing the ol letter combination. Students are not asked to identify the letter combination or its sound before reading the word.
125.4 Patterns
Purpose and Procedure
Starting in this task, students must determine when a letter s makes a /s/ sound and when it makes a /z/ sound.
Correcting the Student
The following is the correction text to use if a student incorrectly says /s/ instead of /z/ in this type of Patterns task [example word: these]:
❖ If the student makes an error, use these prompts to guide them:
a. You said the word with the sound /s/ at the end: /thēs/. Is that a word you know?…
b. What would the word be if the s made the sound /z/ instead?…
c. My turn to read it slowly: /thththēēēzzz/. Let’s read it slowly together: /thththēēēzzz/. Your turn to read it slowly…
The following is the correction text to use if a student incorrectly says /z/ instead of /s/ in this type of Patterns task [example word: nurse]:
❖ If the student makes an error, use these prompts to guide them:
a. You said the word with the sound /z/ at the end: /nǝrz/. Is that a word you know?…
b. What would the word be if the s made the sound /s/ instead?…
c. My turn to read it slowly: /nnnǝrrrsss/. Let’s read it slowly together: /nnnǝrrrsss/. Your turn to read it slowly…
125.7 Word Parts
Purpose and Procedure
This task introduces students to the -ity ending.
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