Cycle 76
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In this task, students will learn the sound /y/ as in yes.
It is a continuous sound. When you hold it for two seconds, you may feel like you are saying something close to /ēēē/, which is fine.
As with all other sounds, be careful not to add a vowel sound after it. It should be /yyy/, not /yyyǝ/.
In this task, you begin the process of teaching students about words with a Vowel-Consonant-e (‑VCe) pattern. ‑VCe words are words that end with a silent e that causes the earlier vowel in the word to make a “long” sound (/ā/, /ī/, or /ō/) instead of a “short” sound (/ă/, /ĭ/, or /ŏ/).
Here, you will expose students to pairs of minimally different CVC and CVCe words (like Sam and same) that all have a as the earlier vowel, so the silent e will always change the sound from /ă/ to /ā/.
This is the first time that students read these two rhyming irregular words in a serif font instead of the specialized orthography.
From now on, students will re-read words that are already presented in the serif font rather than seeing them fade into it from the specialized orthography.