Cycle 20
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This is the first task in which students say words that have initial and final quick sounds slowly and fast.
Here, you say the word slowly first and then you and the student say it slowly simultaneously before the student attempts it solo.
This task returns to finger tracking across more than two lines, but this time all of the images on the lines are already displayed.
❖ If the student needs a prompt when they get to the end of a line, say: Now follow the arrow to the circle on the next line… Say the name of the next fruit…
The Decodables task will be the final task of each cycle through Cycle 100.
Decodables are independent-reading booklets created by Once that are aligned with the scope and sequence of the Once curriculum. At the end of each student's session with you, you will give a booklet for each cycle completed during that session. For example, if a student were to complete Cycles 30 and 31 in one session, you would give them two booklets at the end of that session to take with them: the booklet for Cycle 30 and the book for Cycle 31.
You will not read these booklets with the students. They are meant for independent reading practice, so students can read them in their classroom with their teacher's permission, and they can take them home to read to their families. Encourage students to try to read each booklet five times.
In this cycle, you introduce students to the decodable booklets and tell them that they will start receiving those booklets when they finish Cycle 30. In the Decodables tasks through Cycle 29, you will remind them of these booklets and tell them how many cycles they have left until they get to receive their first one.