Cycle 12
12.3 Rhyming
Purpose and Procedure
This is the first Rhyming task that has words beginning with a quick sound. In this cycle, the onset (initial sound) is t.
When the onset in a Rhyming task is a quick sound, it is especially important not to pause between it and the rest of the word.
Since you can’t say a quick sound slowly, and you can’t pause after it, you must say it together with the sounds that follow. In tan, for example, you will say /tăn/. It will always sound like one blended (fast) word in this task. There are not separate slow and fast versions here. (This is unlike when a Rhyming task starts with a continuous sound and you say both /sssăm/ and /săm/ for the word Sam, for example)
This is one of the ways that you will help students learn to read words that begin with quick sounds, which is a difficult skill for emerging readers to master.
Correcting the Student
The following is the correction text to use if a student makes a mistake in a Rhyming task [example word: table]:
❖ If the student pauses between /t/ and able, say: Don’t pause between /t/ and able. Listen: /tābʊl/. Let’s say it together… Now by yourself…
❖ If the student skips /t/ and just says able, touch under the t, and say: Say this sound first, and then say able, like this: /tābʊl/. Let’s touch and say it together… Your turn…
❖ If the student only says /t/ and doesn’t add able, say: Now say able. Listen: /tābʊl/. Let’s say it together… Now by yourself…
12.5 Story Reading
Purpose and Procedure
This task returns to the Word Finding exercises in which you ask students to point out particular words from a passage they have read. Remember that these exercises require a basic form of encoding because the student will need to hear the sounds of the word they are looking for, recall the symbols associated with those sounds, and then identify those symbols on the screen.
This task also returns to the routine of you modeling how to read story text fluently. Make sure to do so with prosody and expression, and make sure that you model touching beneath the text even when you read it the fast way.
12.6 Writing
Correcting the Student
Starting with this cycle, Writing tasks will only include purple correction text in the instructor pane when there are new types of corrections that you may need within the task. Continue to correct students’ other mistakes in the same way that the curriculum has called for thus far.
Common Mistakes:
❖ Student says a letter’s name or a wrong sound.
❖ Student doesn’t hold a continuous sound for two seconds.
❖ Model the correct sound, say it simultaneously with the student, and then have them try again by themselves. (I do; we do; you do.)
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