Cycle 78
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In this task, students will learn the sound /ks/ as in six.
It is actually a combination of two sounds: the initial quick sound /k/ and then a continuous sound /sss/, which is why there is a dot beneath it.
Like with all other continuous sounds, hold this one for two seconds.
In this task, you continue to teach students about words with a Vowel-Consonant-e (-VCe) pattern, but this time the earlier vowel in all of the words is o, so the silent e will always change the sound from /ŏ/ to /ō/.
Pronounce every n in this task as /ŋ/.
You don’t need to pronounce the /g/ at the end of sing, sang, or song, but you will pronounce the /k/ at the end of sink, sank, and sunk.