Cycle 41
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In this task, students will learn the sound /sh/ as in shy.
Even though this sound is made of two characters that usually represent two sounds, we want students to recognize it as a single unit, which is why the characters are visibly connected.
As with the other digraph that you’ve taught (th), your finger should stay over the dot beneath the sound the whole time that you say the sound, rather than moving from beneath the s to beneath the h.
This is the first task that uses the /ŋ/ sound before a k (in the word Frank).
When n comes before k, we pronounce /ŋ/ and then /k/. This is different from when n comes before g. In that case, we only pronounce /ŋ/ with no /g/ afterward. (Exceptions can occur when more sounds follow the g, like in the word finger.)
Remember, to make the /ŋ/ sound, prepare to make the sound /g/, but instead of popping the tongue down, hold it in place, and make a voiced, continuous sound.
The final part of this task returns to reading words with no symbols beneath the sounds, but this time students don’t say the word simultaneously with you before they attempt it on their own.
Ensure that the students touch beneath each sound as they say the sounds, exactly as they would if there were dots beneath each sound.