Cycle 16
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Last updated
This task introduces saying words in which the initial sound is a quick sound the slow way and the fast way.
Here, you say the word slowly first and then you and the student say it slowly simultaneously before the student attempts it solo.
Starting with this cycle, Rhyming tasks will only include purple correction text in the instructor pane when there are new types of corrections that you may need within the task. Continue to correct students’ other mistakes in the same way that the curriculum has called for thus far.
Common Mistakes:
❖ Student skips the onset and just says the rime.
❖ Student doesn’t hold a continuous sound for two seconds.
❖ Student says the sound at the wrong time.
❖ Model the correct sound, say it simultaneously with the student, and then have them try again by themselves. (I do; we do; you do.)
Unlike in the last Finger Tracking task, all of the pieces of fruit are already on the screen, rather than appearing one at a time. This may tempt some students to read the fruit without using their finger on the screen. Make sure that they continue to use their finger on the screen to track from left to right and that they say the name of each fruit only when their finger is underneath it.