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In this task, students will learn the sound /ĭ/ as in kit.
Remember not to say this letter's name (or even the word letter) during this task. Instead, emphasize the sound being associated with that symbol: /ĭĭĭ/.
Starting with this cycle, New Sound and Sound Review tasks will only include purple correction text in the instructor pane when there are new types of corrections that you may need within the task. Continue to correct students’ other mistakes in the same way that the curriculum has called for thus far.
Common Mistakes:
❖ Student says a letter’s name or a wrong sound.
❖ Student doesn’t hold a continuous sound for two seconds.
❖ Student says the sound at the wrong time.
❖ Model the correct sound, say it simultaneously with the student, and then have them try again by themselves. (I do; we do; you do.)
This task introduces consonant blends.
The word blend as a noun refers to parts of words that have multiple consonants in a row that each make a distinct sound. (These are sometimes called "consonant clusters," "consonant sequences," or "consonant compounds.") For example, the word stop has an intial consonant blend of st. The word lift has a final consonant blend of ft. The word scraps has an initial triple blend of scr and a final blend of ps.
These consonant blends should not be confused with the act of blending, which is when someone translates a series of component sounds into a word that they say at a normal rate, which we call "the fast way" or saying it "fast" in our curriculum.
When saying words "the slow way" in our program, you should make sure to hold each continuous sound for two seconds, even when it is within a consonant blend. For example, saying the word stop slowly should sound like /ssstŏŏŏp/, not /stŏŏŏp/. The word lift should sound like /lllĭĭĭffft/, not /lllĭĭĭft/. The word scraps should sound like /ssscrrrăăăpsss/, not /scrăăăps/.
All of the blends in this task are final blends in which the first consonant of each blend is a continuous sound (like in went, the consonant blend is nt, which is the continuous sound /n/ followed by the quick sound /t/).
In this task, as in last cycle’s Rhyming task, a single word carries over from one page of the script to another; in this case, the word is mat.
You will begin saying mat on one page and finish saying it on the other, allowing the content on the student pane to change while you say the word. So, you will hold the initial /mmm/ sound as you advance to the next page, then, without pausing, you’ll finish saying the word mat.
Never pause between the initial sound and the rest of the word in these Rhyming tasks.
In this task, the onset (the initial sound) is a continuous sound, so you’ll hold it for two seconds, but you should say the rime (the rest of the word after the onset) "the fast way." Never say the rime slowly in these Rhyming tasks.
As always, read the example sentences after each word.
The routines of these exercises can take students some time to get used to, so, at the end of the task, make sure to repeat the steps for any words that required correction.
This is the first Story Reading task in which students count the words in the passage. Make sure they count the words in the same direction they would read them: from left to right.