Cycle 122
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This task introduces the letter combination ol as in fold.
This task introduces students to the pre- beginning.
It is a continuation of the series introducing students to words with beginnings that are unstressed first syllables in which the letter e can make the schwa sound (/ə/).
Because it is especially important that students hear the schwa sound in these words before repeating them, you will use the sound buttons in this task rather than reading the words yourself.
The following is the correction text to use if a student makes a mistake reading the minor c [example word: precise]:
❖ If a student reads precise with the /k/ instead of /s/ sound, point to the letter c, and ask: What sound does the letter c usually make when an i comes right after it?… Yes, /s/. So what’s this word?…
❖ If a student still struggles, say: My turn to read it: precise. Your turn to read it…